List of Tamil words in Kichwa language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Kichwa language
Dr. VariankavalRamasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
Clues to read Kichwa words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add / change the vowels then and there.
Add /delete letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained / deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs more than once consecutively, it has to be read only once.
Kichwa (also Spanish Quichua) is a Quechuan language that includes all Quechua varieties of Ecuador and Colombia (Inga), as well as extensions into Peru. It has an estimated half million speakers.
The most widely spoken dialects are Chimborazo, Imbabura and Cañar Highland Quechua, with most of the speakers. Kichwa belongs to the Northern Quechua group of Quechua II, according to linguist Alfredo Torero.Native speakers 450,000.

Ref; Kichwa- English -Spanish Dictionary – Nina Kinti-Moss / Nemantni Baltazar Masaquiza Chango.
English- kichwa – Tamil
1.grandfather- achchi- achchan /father
*2. excrement- ak- kakka
*3. bird call – akakllu- kuyila
4.pot- akilla- kalam /vessel
*5. skirt- anaqu – ankki /garment
6. spew/ spit – aktuna-kakkidu
*7. mushroom- kalaanpa- kaalan
8.good- alli- nalla
*9. afternoon- chishi- uchchai
10.virtue- allikay- nalla kunam/ good nature; kunam- nature/attribute.
*11. risen- allikaj- yzhuka /rise
12.wise- amawta- mathi / intelligence
13.mute- anmu- mounam; letters are in reversed order.
*14. extinguish- antatika- anaiththiduka
*15. lord/ god – apu- appan
16. plow-arma-yaeru
*17. smile-asirina – siri
*18.bad- ati- theethu; letter is read more than once.
19.information- atikllay- thakaval; ka= va; va= ka.
20. to kick- atina – uthai
*21. power-atiy- eedu;thathi; aattam.
22.corn- muti- muththusoalam
*23. sheath- ayar- urai
*24. family/community – ayillu- il/family
25.ethnic- ayllukay- kilaivazhi; kaal vazhi; ka= va; va=ka; letters are jumbled.
26.sword- ayri- ari /saw
*27. little girl- kuytza- kutti
28.shawl- bayeta- patti / cloth; padaam /cloth; thuppetta /shawl; letters are in reversed order
29. noise/crowd- chakwa- oaasaiyaaka / noisy
30. rich- charij– seer /riches
31.goat-chita- aadu;udu.
*32. sparrow- chitu- chittukuruvi/ house sparrow
33.breast- chuchu – paachchi
34. hut-chuklla- kuchchil; letters are jumbled.
35.corn-chukllu- makkaasoalam; letters are jumbled; soalakollai- corn field; letters are jumbled; soalam- corn;kollai- field.
36.injury- chukri- siraaikka/to get bruised; letters are jumbled.
*37. cold/ flu- chulli- sali
38.hat-chuqlla- kullaai
*39. grain/seed- chuqllu- koolam
40.attitude- ganay- noakku; letters are in reversed order.
*41- kick- hayta- uthai
42. song /jubilant– haylli- yaeyil /a song
43.hiccups- hiku- vikka; ka=va; va=ka.
44. corner-huki- mukku
*45. to chat- huktatana- kathai ththidanum; kathai adiththidanum. drill - utkuna-kudainathidu;kadainthiduka; letters are jumbled.
46.king- inka- koan; letters are in reversed order.
*47. point- inu- nuni
48.reed-iru- naanar
*49. fever- kajay- kaaya
50.hill- kaja- kamai
*51. cleft-kalla- kizhippu; kallalai/cleft ina mountain
*52. crack-kalla- keelam
53.casserole- kallana- kuzhici
*54. parrot- kalli- kili [ that can speak]
*55. branch- kallma- kilai kallay- nool aakkiyoan; nool- book; aakku- make/create; aakkiyoan- one who has made; letters are jumbled.
*57. force-kallpa- kali
*58. strength- kallpa- kali; koal; ikal.
*59. tongue- kallu – kilavi; ka=va; va=ka.
*60.cry- kapariy- karaiya
61.bark- kara – porukku; letters are in reversed order.
62.crust- kara- porukku; letters are in reversed order. kara- sarkkai; letters are in reversed order; urivai; ka= va; va= ka.
*64. to cut- karana- keeru
* stain – karkayana- karai-yaakkanum; karai- stain; aakku- make.
66. to shore – karnina- karai yaei noakki; karai- shore; noakki- towards. /stain- karka- karai ; karaiyaaka/dirty
*68. mark- karka- kurikka/ to mark; kurikuri/ mark.
*69. stick- kaspi-kuchchi
*70. to shelter – katana-kaathidu/ protect
*71. tremble- katatana- kidu kidukka; letters are read more than once.
*72. itch- katkini- kadikka
*73. market- katu- kadai /shop;ankkadi; kadai kanni.
* offer- katuna- kodu
75.grocer- katuru- kadaikaarar /shop owner; kadai- shop.
*76. look- kawana- kaanu inquire-kavana- kaekka vaenum; kaekka- to ask.
78. lens- kawalli- kann oli villai; kann- eye; oli villai- lens.
*79. observe- kawana- kavani
80. inspection- kawani- kannkaanikkai; letters are read more than once.
*81.bed- kwitu- kidakkai/ cot kayana- koovanum; ka=va; va=ka.
*83. soup- killi- koozh
*84. pound- kawtayana- kuththanum
85. dirt- killi- azhukku; letters arein reversed order.
86.reading- killka katiy – kalvi kaththida; kalvi
87.- education; kaththida/ learn; ka= va; va =ka.
* write-killikana- kilikkanum
89.wound- kiri- kaayamura/ to get wounded; kaayam- wound.
90.fewer- kisa- konjam; kammi. kipukuj- kanakkan
*92. surely- kita- kattayama
*93. wild- kita- kaadu / forest; kaattu thanam /wild nature.
94.area / site - kiti – pakuthi
*95. place- kiti- kaadu; kidakkai; koattam.
96.sector-kiti – pakuthi
*97.owl- kukayu- kookai
*98. cellar- kulka- keezh akam; keezh- down; akam- room/ home.
*99. wood- kullu- kazhi
*100.murderous- kullu tayana –kollum ennaththoadu / murderous motivation; letters are jumbled; kollu- kill; ennam- thoughts.
101.dwelling- kully- kulam/ house; pukal; vaikal; ka= va; va= ka.
102.hunchback- kumu- koon bend- kumuna- kuni
*104.attribute- kuna-kunam kunan- innaikku; letters are in reversed order.
*106. trash /rubbish/ garbage- kupa- kuppai
* kuri- karu; kaaram.
108.tool- kurana- karuvi; ka= va; va=ka.
*109.worm- kuru -kirumi
110.den- kusha- kukai
111. happy- kushi- kushi
112. cheer someone- kushi china – kusi seiyyanum; sei- make; kusi- happiness.
113.happiness- kushikuj- kusiyaaka
114.happy – kushilla- kusaal; kusiulla; makizhchchi ulla; letters are jumbled.
115.jacket- kutama- mae-k-kattu; letters are jumbled.
*116. crowd- kuthu -koottam
117.pile up -kuthu- adukku; letters are in reversed order.
118.goiter- kutu- katti /swelling; kannda katti; kanndam- neck.
*119.curtain- kutu- kadikai
120. love- kuyalla- ilakal; letters are jumbled; nalkal ;
*121. pretty- kuylla- kalai; kuzhaku; kozhumai;koalam.
* think- yuyana- ennu
123.mind- yuyani- manam
124.injection- yaychinay – uoosi
*125.father-yaya- aeiyya
*126.tortoise- yawati- oaadan; oaadu /shell.
*127.water- yaku- kayam; aqua.
128.gulf-yakupata- kudaa
* know- yachariy- ariya
130.waist- wikar- kurukku
*131.air- wayra- uyir; uyirppu
*132. wife- warmi- urimai
133.joined- wanku- inaikka /to join
134. keep- wakichina- vaichchukkanum; letters are jumbled.
135.cow- wagra- karavai
136.guard- wakichina- kaakkanum
*137.arrow- wachi- vaasi
*138. gap/ opening /hole -utku - oaattaiyaaka /with hole; idukku /gap.
139.gate- utku – mathaku;kathavu; ka= va; va= ka; letters are in reversed order.
* pierce- utkana-thaikkanum dig- utkana -thoanduka; kenduka;kudainthiduka; letters are jumbled. quickly – utkay- kadithu; letters are in reversed order; kada kada ena.
143. fatigue- utiy- aththaayam; asathi.
144.pigeon- urpu- puraa; letters are in reversed order.
145. parrot- urtu- rathan
146. hill/ mountain- urqo- sikari; letters are in reversed order.
147. top- umachcha-uchcham; letters are in reversed order.
148. penis- ullu- poolu / phallus
*149.body- ukku- yaakkai
150.drizle- tzira pa – thoorar poada /to drizzle; letters are jumbled.
151.spit-tyuka- thuppuka to- tykuna- iduka /to place
153.holes-tutashka- oaattaiyaaka / with hole dance- tushuna- aadanum
155. to settle- tykuna- thankka; adankka; othukkanum; letters are jumbled.
156.battle- tuta- pudai
*157.anxiety – tuta- thaththu;thaettam; pathattam.
158.worm- tuta- pottu
*159.mud- turu- thooru
160.stitch- tupsi- thei
*161.column- tuni- thoon.
162.skinny- tullu- ellum tholumaa; ellu- bone; thole- skin.
163.whole-tukuy- moththamaaka
164.window- tuku- kidiki; letters are in reversed order.
165.owl- tuku-kudignai; koattaan; letters are in reversed order. pretend- tukuna—nadikkanum modify- tukuna-maaththuka finish- tukchina- mudikkanum
169. untamed- tukila- adakka iyalaa/ cannot be controlled
*170.cloth-tukapu – thaokkai
*171.misfortune- tiyuyra-thuyaram
172- calm down- tiyayuy- amaithi adaiya
173.paper- tukapu-kaakitham; letters are in reversed order.
174.uncle-tiu- aththaan
175.twin- tira- erttai; letters are in reversed order.
*176.tailor- tiri- theiyar
* throb to- tiknia- thudikkanum
178.flower- tika- yaedakam
*179.aunt- tia- aththai
*180.father- tayta- thathai; thanthai; aththa.
181.dwarf-tayak- kuttai; letters are in reversed order.
182.step-tatki-padikattu; letters are jumbled.
*183. walk- taski-adi edukka extinguish with water- tasnuna- thanni uooththi thee -yaei anai; thanni- water; uooththu- pour; anai- to put off; thee-fire; letters are read more than once.
*185.centipede- tatis- attai
* acquire-tarina-adaithar
* shake- taraha -aattuthar
*188.road- teri- theru /street
189.detain- tapkana-adaikkanum
190.stop- tapkana-thadukkanum
*191.heal/ cure- tanina- thaniya
*192. piece- tanka- thunukku
*193.river way- tanna- thuni/ river push- tankana- idikkanum
195. naughty- tukij- kadukkai; letters are in reversed order.
196.flock- tama- manthai; letters are in reversed order.
197.home-tambo- idam
198.tree- taku- kattai /wood; letters are in reversed order.
* play- takj- aaduka
200. clap one’s hands to- takllana – kaikalinal thattka; letters are jumbled; kaikal- hands; kai-hand; thattuka- to clap. taki–paattu paaduka/ sing a song; paattu- song; paaduka- to sing; keetham; letters are in reversed order; kathai paattu; kathai- story. sing- takina- isaiththiduka
*203. hamper- taka-thadukka
204.basket- taka- paedikai; koodai; letters are in reversed order.
*205.hit-takani- adikkanum; idikkanum.
*206. drop- shutu- sottu /a drop
*207.drip /leak to- shutuna- sotta
208.pillow-sawna- anai
*209.stuff/ pack- satina- thini
*210.forest- sacha- sechchai
211.reap/ cut- rutuna- aruththidu
212. to see- rikuna- paarkkanum divide- rakina- pirikkanum
214. frying pan- quyllu qaruk - varukkum kal; varukka- to fry; ka= va; va=ka.
215.lake-qocha- kayam
216. axilla- qasuk- kakkam
*217.dirty- qarkayana- karaiyaaaka
218. mist/ fog- puyu- pani
219.clay pot- manga- munn kinni /clay bowl; munn- clay/ soil; kinni- cup.
*220.pitcher- punu- paanai / pot punlla- naal
222.swelling- punki-ponkka/ to swell
*223. ripen/ mature- pukuna- kaniya
*224. spring water/ fountain- pugyu- poikai/pond
225.hole/hollow- pukru- koarai pugllay- kaelam produce- pituwina- padaiththidavaenum; padaiththidu- to create. seek- pitwina- thaeda vaenum
229.strive for -pitwina- paadu pada vaenum.
230.rim-piruru- oaaram
*231.flute-pingullu- pullaankuzhal; letters are jumbled; kuzhal- flute.
232.garland- pillu- punaiyal patmi-aattam
234.stair case- pata ; maadi padi
*235.step- pata- padi /steps
236.latter- pata- pinnaadi
237.edge- pata- ottu
*238.course - pata- thadam; oaattam;paathai.
239.platform- pata- nadai paathai
*240.lizard- palu- palli
*241.a type of clothing -pacha- paasi/ cloth
242.soul- nuna- manam/ mind
243.breast-nunu- monni smell- mutkina- moanthiduka; letters are jumbled.
245.desire - munaniy- mana ennam; manam- mind; ennam- thought.
*246. bundle-maytu- moottai
*247. wrapped- maytu- madi/ wrap
*248.edge- manna- munai
249.- potter – mangalluthak-munn kalam undaakkum kulaalan; munn – soil; kalam- vessel; undaakku- make; kulaalan- pottter.
*250.mother- mama- amma
251. bud- llulluk- mukizha; letters are in reversed order.
252.sprout- llullu - mulai
253.heart- llulluk ; nenjaan-k-kulai; letters are in reversed order
254.shiny- lliu – oli/ shine
255.shadow- llandu- nizhal udaiya/ with shadow; letters are jumbled; nizhal- shadow.
256.clay- llanka- kali munn; letters are jumbled.
257.saddened- llakiylla- kavalaikolla; kavalai- worry; kolla- to have; ka= va; va= ka; letters are jumbled; ulla kalvalai; ullam- soul/mind.